Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Tim on 3rd Peak

In Alaska, our lives revolve around the seasons. You either have Winter season, or Getting Ready for Winter season. During Getting Ready for Winter, everyone runs around frantically, trying to squeeze as much enjoyment as possible from every last drop of warm weather; Hiking, fishing, camping, berry picking, rock climbing, and generally trying to see as much of the beauty of Alaska as possible when access is easy. Not to mention the chores such as weeding, mowing, chopping wood, and doing all the things that need to be done to prepare for another long winter ahead.

Tim has begun complaining about all the constant activity.
"I don't have time to relax" he says.
"I don't have time to read"
"Just you wait" I tell him.
"When winter comes around you will have more time to read and relax than you could ever want. Just you wait!"

Well, he doesn't quite believe me yet, but soon he'll see, when it's cold and dark and snow blankets the landscape and he spends most of his time relaxing by the fire. By next summer, he will be ready with the rest of us to run around like crazy through another of Alaska's fast paced summers.

One of the bluest sky days we have seen, climbing Penguin Peak

A black bear, interrupted from eating berries, watches us as we hike up the valley.

View from near the top of penguin

A bald eagle soars overhead on Penguin

Friday, August 1, 2008

Harp Peak

On Tuesday Tim and I went for a hike back to Symphony Lakes. On the way there, I saw a peak, called Harp Peak, that I thought would be great to climb. Yesterday, a friend and I headed up it. Wow, what spectacular views! And lots of climbing opportunities all around. I will definitely be back around there.

In other news, Tim is enjoying his new job. The weather has been improving. In fact, the sky was nearly all blue this morning! Our wood pile is growing. In general, life in Alaska is good!

Thanks Teresa For the photos!!!